RR In the Bluff Force
Book:Ramón Riobóo:Thinking the Impossible:37:Hermetic Press:2002:control:0:0:control:completed:orange,ygc
SectionSTRGEN This is a force. You will force the top card, F, g the audience by dealing and cutting. Audience is then taken down the garden path..
StackSTC:F-Dwn:*:F::*:0:1:1:blue;STUD:F-Dwn:: :: :0:1:1:green;STLD:F-Dwn:::::0:1:1:green;STUD:F-Dwn:*: :m: :0:1:1:cyan;STLD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:green
TextTXTPRF Please remove any number of cards from the center, and let me not see how many you took.
ForceTextTXTPRF Then, count and remember the number of cards removed, m
StackSTC:F-Dwn:*:F::*:0:1:1:blue;STUD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:green;STLD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:greenStackSpectatorSTUD:F-Dwn:: :: :0:1:1:cyan;STLD:F-Dwn:: :m: :0:1:1:cyan
p. 37TextTXTPRF Please replace the cards to top and square all the cards again to destroy any evidence of the number of cards taken.
StackSTUD:F-Dwn:: :: :0:1:1:cyan;STLD:F-Dwn:: :m: :0:1:1:cyan;STC:F-Dwn:*:F::*:0:1:1:blue;STUD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:green;STLD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:green
MoveMVEGEN run 1 card to btm.
false shuffle
Suggested NotationSGNDplpkt
1 SGNHash
U * =
( run 1, throw deck ontop; undercut, run-jog a card, shuffle off; undercut, throw remainder ontop )
StackSTUD:F-Dwn:: :: :0:1:1:cyan;STLD:F-Dwn:: :m-1: :0:1:1:cyan;STC:F-Dwn:*:F::*:0:1:1:blue;STUD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:green;STLD:F-Dwn:*:*:*:*:0:1:1:green
TextTXTPRF Now go through the deck and please remember the card at the thought of number's position
Deal m cards.
Then take the top card.
MoveMVENTEThis is the force card!
TextTXTPRFWill you agree that I cannot possibly know the card you noted? However, I admit that I know the card must be among the top 15, because you didn't cut off more than that many.
SectionSTRPSE Use as favours, for example as follows
TextTXTPRFPlease cut the deck to destroy any such clues
TextTXTPRFGive it another cut
TextTXTPRFAnd to make my task more difficult please shuffle the thoroughly
TextTXTPRFYou can help me find the card.
Please set the deck on the table and cut to any card, wherever you wish.
MoveMVEGENHave her cut 3 times. Since you know the card ( it was forced ) you can adjust your responses.
Play with colour, suit on first two cuts, fake-deduce the correct suit and misspell the value of the 3rd cut card (don't let them see the card).
Finally, name it